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FAMO Fascia Movement in the EESystem

Treat your mind-body and spirit to an incredible combo of Movement & the Energy Enhancement System.

Service Description

FASCIA FOCUSED MOVEMENT SESSIONS The ‘tools and medicines’ that you will be empowered by during our Fascia Focused Movement Sessions are: FAMO A fascia focused resource-oriented movement practice that enhances the body’s self-healing capacity, postural integrity, and vibrant vitality. Fascia houses the nervous system and is in constant dialog with it as well as the gut-brain and intuition. Therefore, assisting us in finetuning our “listening skills”, as fascia is your biggest sensory organ. Breath: The life-giving breath and inspiration play a big role in how we physically and mentally feel. It can be a powerful medicine to unify, cleans and harmonise body and mind. It can be intentionally used to get inspired and to ground and stay in one’s integrity. Meditation and Mindfulness: It is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. It can produce a deep state of relaxation and clarity in the body-mind, assisting us in integral decision making that supports our health and wellbeing. Energy Balancing: Supports and increases, psychosomatic healing, personal growth, and development. It assists emotional healing and stability, mental clarity, as well as peace of the body-mind and spirit. It promotes a sense of wholeness: a state of positive wellbeing and mental and emotional integrity. As a collective they all enhance in becoming psychosomatically more aware and intelligent. Empowering you in trusting your-self healing capacity whilst enhancing resilience and the ability to stay in your psychosomatic integrity in any situation or at least notice when you move out of it. These are classes for able movers, yet no previous experience is needed and all moves can be modified. Attending ‘Fascial Focused Movement Sessions’ in the Energy Enhancement System (EESystem™), takes this practice to a whole new level. By being in the EESystem™ Sanctuary Room, it showers your body’s 100 trillion cells with bio-photonic light, scalar-wave energy and Schumann resonance frequencies. Improving circulation and oxygenation and increasing cellular energy, to reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualisation, all while you move your body and work your fascia. ​Bookings directly with Frequency of Light 0493 840 748 or Next Sessions from 6pm - 7.30pm 28 January 18 February 18 March 8 April

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

CANCELLATION PROVISIONS 24h cancelation policy of 50% of the session will be charged. ILLNESS AND ACCIDENT In the case of illness or accident supported by a medical certificate the missed portion can, will be rescheduled for a later date.

Contact Details

  • 30 Station Road, Margaret River WA, Australia


1 h 30 min
110 Australian dollars
Station Road
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